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Data Certificates

To do this, connect to the access point via a web browser by IP-address, which we previously assigned to it by Esomo arm tab 'DHCP'. As a mode of access points indicate WPA-Enterprise, in as a protocol encryption – tkip, as a radius server – IP-address of the computer Esomo. Also verify that the secret key in the settings of the registered access point (Shared Secret) coincided with the key specified for the access point Esomo awp (section 'Wi-Fi', Tab 'hotspot'). Below is a screenshot from the access point settings Linksys. Step 3.

Configure your computer to a bilateral authentication between the user and the server Esomo must be installed on your pc user's digital certificates and set up his wireless adapter to work on the protocol EAP-TLS. User authentication on the server Esomo occurs with the participation of two digital certificates: root and user. Data Certificates must be obtained through Esomo arm and install on your computer. To do this, go to the section 'Wi-Fi' tab 'Certificates' and save on our computer the root certificate and user testuser. Now set the resulting digital certificates. To do this, simply double-click the mouse on the certificate and follow the Certificate Import Wizard. Since installing the root certificate should have no difficulty: leave all default settings and just click 'Next' and 'Finish'. But in the process of installing a certificate for the user testuser will need to enter a password testuser, which is protected by the certificate. On the server Esomo already present ready certificates, so go to install nothing.

Info & Utils

Published in שבת, מרץ 23rd, 2019, at 11:57, and filed under כללי.


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